Nike Air Max


As the Global Brand Communications Manager, I delivered brand positioning creating top down momentum to drive awareness of adidas and ultimately drive demand for the brand.

I managed campaign digital strategies across digital media, .com and social. I supported media planning, film concepting, production and post-production. In addition, I owned campaign analytics and identified actionable insights for executive leadership to steer the dialogue for future global communications and media strategies — including for the World Cup.

Through the Calling all Creators campaign I produced custom athlete social toolkits and partnered with Snapchat on a beta test that began to uncover the power of personalization. Calling all Creators became a catalyst which fuelled us to deliver adidas’ most personalized campaign to date for the 2018 World Cup.


What I delivered




I partnered with an external vendor to create a mobile-first, personalized .com experience that extended the World Cup campaign narrative and drove an interest in hero products.


Behind the scenes


Driving view-through rate - I leveraged Snapchat’s A/B promo tile beta test to uncover which athletes and influencers drove better performance results. In partnership with Snapchat, we uncovered that adjusting promo tile images of Creators based on what we knew about consumers resulted in more clicks and a higher view through rate of the launch film.

Creating hype for the campaign - I teased the launch film by producing a pan of the empty creator table that was published across owned & athlete/influencer channels 24 hours prior to the film launch.

Driving increased engagement - To drive awareness of new product drops, I created a whose shoes game using Instagram Stories. Consumers would guess which shoes our Creators were wearing under the table — the collection of shoes teased the new Harden shoe to create additional product hype. To sustain the launch, I created gifs to drive dark social and keep the conversation going.

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Behind the scenes

I owned the content strategy and creative direction for all behind the scenes content. Content included shoppable head-to-toe looks, footwear under the table, and selfies to fuel PR & social channels — inclusive of custom athlete & influencer social toolkits.

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The crew that made it happen.